Thursday, April 20, 2006


For a while, I’ve been meaning to compose my own essay regarding the immigration "issue", but as there is a lot to discuss, I have not yet ordered all of my thoughts. In the meantime, here are three exceptional commentaries I’ve come across in the past few days.

Caliban over at Fall of the State posted a great commentary on the immigration issue and how completely ridiculous the right wing is over the issue.

Every other group of immigrants managed to figure it out. And the latest will too. In fact, what would lead you to think that immigrants have a lower chance to believe in the "American Dream?" Natural born citizens have no motivation to do so, they've enjoyed the fruits of living in America their entire lives. They have no concept of what the "American Dream" is. They're free to denigrate the very principles and systems that enable their luxury.

But an immigrant understands. By the very definition of the word, they're someone who believes that America is better than the place they come from. In my eyes, they're MORE likely to believe in the important things about this country -- because they've made a great sacrifice in trying to get here. People value the things they work for more than the things they are freely given. Why on earth would someone with socialist leanings want to emigrate to America?

Sheldon Richman, one of my favorite writers, wrote a piece exposing the collectivist nature of the anti-immigration position. In his article titled, What do you mean “We”?

To say the least, there is tension between the ideas that we live in a free society and that government may determine whom we may sell to, rent to, and hire. This is the real heart of the immigration debate. Who should decide such things, free individuals or the state?

And Evan, over at The Future Uncertain has an article on Illegal Immigration that discusses the economics of the situation. He writes:

Once upon a time there was no such thing as “illegal immigration.” Throughout much of our history the only immigration constraints were on the size of ships bringing them in. In the late 1800s several racist measures were passed against the Japanese and Chinese, but other than that the only way you could be kept out was if you were likely to become “a public charge.” It wasn’t until 1924 that the first meaningful immigration restrictions were imposed, and three years after that the Border Patrol was established. But through all of this time Mexicans came and went freely to work, trade and marry. Only in the 1930s, amidst the Depression and the nascent federal welfare state (Social Security took effect in 1935), did meaningful efforts to keep the brown hordes back commence. (The efforts have failed, like most efforts to stand between willing buyers and sellers, ever since.)

All of these articles are MUST reads. Enjoy!


Blogger David_Z said...

I thought I had blogged about immigration recently... Apparently, I did not. Perhaps I should. I have had some conversations about it with family members and friends.

Although it's not particularly topical to american immigration concerns, the New York Times recently repored that there are now jobs in China that the Chinese won't do. I did blog that, here.

3:47 PM  

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